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BHBL - Beverly Hills Basketball League

Disclaimers & FYI’s

1. All players in ‘Draft Divisions’ MUST be rated. NO EXCEPTIONS. Registering alone does not
secure a spot. Make sure to get kids to the announced Rating Day. Unrated kids will be placed
on the waitlist. 

2. Games could be played on Saturdays or Sundays. Game days will be released before draft

3. During the season, games and times might be affected, depending on court availability. 

4. During Playoff Weekend, there will be games on Saturday(s) and Sunday(s). On rare
occasions, there may be a couple of weeknight games. 

5. Practice times, if any, are selected by the team’s respective coaches only. 

6. BHBL, its Board of Directors, and the Commissioner can refuse service to any Coach or

7. In the spirit of parity, if teams are unbalanced, Division Directors and/or the Commissioner,
reserve the right to move players around (up to Playoff Weekend) in an attempt to make
teams proportional in talent. 

8. All players will try their best and play their best at Rating Day. Players who attempt to “tank”
their ratings, WILL BE REJECTED and not allowed to play. Division Directors and the
Commissioner have the final say. 

9. The BHBL has a strict ZERO TOLERANCE Policy towards ANY form of unsportsmanlike
behavior towards any Player, Coach, Referee, Scorekeeper or Board Member. 

10. Board Members and Coaches are all volunteers. Referees and Scorekeepers are doing their
best. Respect shall be given to them at all times.

The BHBL promotes being a Double-Goal Coach, which means striving to win while imparting
valuable life lessons and respecting the game. Here are some coaching strategies to consider when
facing an uncompetitive game situation, whether your team is leading or trailing:

  •  Ensure that all roster players receive equal playing time regardless of skill level.
  •  Provide more playing time to less skilled players.
  •  You can focus on creating scoring opportunities for your less talented players.
  •  Avoid using high-pressure or pressing defenses.
  • Please don’t aggressively steal the ball from the opponent.
  •  You can encourage your players to defend with their feet, not their hands.
  • Play a loose man-to-man or zone defense to give opponents opportunities to score.
  • Emphasize respectful behavior by discouraging showboating and trash-talking.
  • You can slow down the pace of your offense, avoiding fast breaks.
  • Work on offensive plays that involve all your players, providing opportunities for less skilled
    players to score.
  • Please respect the officials’ calls and avoid talking with them.
  • Remember that being a Double-Goal Coach is a privilege and an honor. Always respect that
    privilege and honor the game.
  • Be a disciplined coach who prioritizes coaching for mastery and personal improvement.
  • You can focus on filling your players’ emotional tanks by encouraging them to learn and grow
    rather than simply winning on the scoreboard.
  • Encourage your players to embrace the ELM Tree of Mastery, which involves giving their best
    effort, having a teachable spirit, and not fearing mistakes.
  • Could you remind your players that they can control their effort, attitude, and response to
    mistakes, even if they can’t control the final score?
  • We also strongly recommend having conversations with team parents about the BHBL philosophy.
    Encourage parents to be Second-Goal Parents who support their children’s efforts and focus on the
    life lessons their kids gain from their BHBL experience. 
    Regardless of the scoreboard, parental support fosters a positive environment for young athletes.
  • Any player who incurs a Technical foul will forfeit the remainder of their playing time for that
  • In the Minor and Major Girls divisions, there is an update to the rules regarding backcourt
    pressure. Backcourt pressure will now be allowed during these divisions’ last two minutes of
    the game.
  • In divisions where backcourt pressure is not initially permitted, the following procedure will
    be followed for a team’s first offense: the ball will be placed out of bounds at the spot of the
    crime, and a warning will be issued to the offending team.
  • A team’s second offense will result in a personal foul being assessed by the individual player
  • If, in the official’s judgment, there is a persistent violation of this rule, the player may receive
    a technical foul, which carries consequences.
  • All players must wear the league-issued uniform for the current season to all games.
  • Players found out of uniform will be charged with a personal foul, and the opposing team will
    be awarded one point.
  • On the second occasion, a player is out of uniform, two personal fouls will be recorded, and
    two points will be awarded to the opposing team.
  • If a uniform is lost, the player must promptly notify the league to take appropriate measures
    to obtain a replacement uniform.
  • Players who attend three games without their proper uniform, without prior written
    notification to the league regarding the missing or lost uniform, will face suspension from the
    next game.

Beverly Hills Basketball League

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